Pinot Noir Day

Happy Pinot Noir Day!

Today, we hope you're enjoying a delectable glass of NZ Pinot Noir to celebrate this delicious variety.

Falling in the middle of the New Zealand winter, International Pinot Noir Day is the perfect time to honour this variety. Although first planted in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand’s North Island back in 1883, it wasn’t until the late 1980s that the popularity of the Pinot Noir variety started to bloom. Considered the new kid on the block due to its rapid rise to fame, New Zealand Pinot Noir is now the country’s top red wine variety and the second-most exported wine after Sauvignon Blanc.

Fast facts about New Zealand Pinot Noir from NZ Winegrowers

1. Pinot Noir is New Zealand’s leading red export, and 2nd largest export overall.
2. New Zealand Pinot Noir covers approximately 5,642 total hectares of New Zealand.
3. Although known for Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough also produces the most Pinot Noir in NZ at 2,663 hectares.
4. A large round bell-shaped glass is perfect to serve Pinot, as it collects the delicate aromas of the wine.

This year, to celebrate, we ran a swirling competition amongst our staff and the team did not disappoint… check out the video below, who would you pick as the swirling champ?

Pinot Noir Swirling Competition

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