Growing up in Kamo and Tutukaka as one of three boys, Derek spent his youth out on the water; fishing and diving, and on his parents farm before heading to Auckland University to study.
He originally dreamed of becoming an engineer but after his brother followed the engineering path he just "had to do something different". So, settling on his other interest, finance, Derek completed a Bachelor of Commerce and then went onto get his CA.
Following his studies, Derek worked in various roles and industries, even venturing to the United Kingdom several times before he landed as CFO of Glengarry Hancocks.
Derek enjoyed parallels he'd experienced previously in the FMCG industry and the fun, quick pace made him fall in love with the wine industry while also creating a desire to make a difference.
After 6 years, Derek travelled back to the UK where he joined Enotria & Coe as CFO, the second largest liquor distributor in the UK.

Derek joined Marisco Vineyards in early 2021, eager to return to a family-owned business and an agile, quick decision-making environment. A fantastic addition to our management team, we look forward to Derek leading the financial side of our business into the future.
When his head isn't buried in spreadsheets, Derek enjoys playing squash and continues his childhood diving and fishing hobbies - especially with his 3 daughters who, although Derek insists he's the reigning Champion Snapper Fisherman in the family, give him a run for his money.